奕青莊園成立至今已有二十年了 我們酒莊每年持續開發與生產梅子系列產品 儘管品牌規模隨著餐廳營運與民宿開幕累積 逐年擴大,我們對梅酒、梅精、梅汁、梅醋品質的堅持卻 從未動搖我們也始終秉持『以客為友』的服務態度 這份信念深植於奕青家族中 The Yi-Ching Family Estate has been established for twenty years now. Our winery continues to develop and produce a series of plum-based products every year. Despite the expansion of our brand with the operation of restaurants and the opening of Yi-Ching Guesthouses, our commitment to the quality of plum wine, plum essence, plum juice, and plum vinegar has never wavered. We have always maintained a "customer-first" service attitude, a belief deeply rooted in the Yi-Ching family. 更多

入住與退房 |
平日入住時間:16:00 以後 退房時間:11:00 以前 假日入住時間:16:00 以後 退房時間:11:00 以前 |
入住說明 |
1.線上付款成功後,可自行列印『住宿券』或憑身份證於飯店/民宿櫃台辦理登記,即可入住。 |