珂之幄的兩位主人Asungo & Daisy是中興大學畢業的上班族,為興建一棟雋永的莊園,依國外旅遊經驗及西洋藏書來設計內、外觀,堅持45度角的斜屋頂、蜜臘色岩板偎著鏽金色的壁爐,整座屋舍,遠觀近玩,四面美麗立體。 我們擁有整個清境觀賞合歡山、奇萊山最佳的位置,打開窗戶,奇萊山就在眼前,觀日出 、雲海、山嵐隨心所欲。內部使用訂製桃花心木實木手工雕刻古典傢俱,輔以香杉裝潢。珍藏歐洲進口油畫、阿爾卑斯山風情的 經典壁爐,及清境唯一蛇窯手拉坏之精緻煙囪。 我們的庭院深深,高壯的落羽松,色澤、形態隨四季更迭。風姿典雅的貴楓、雞爪楓更是新芽或金黃,或豔紅,再隨春夏秋冬,褪去鉛華。台灣與日本品種的櫻花,每逢三月盛情綻放;海芋、香水玫瑰、天竺葵、玉山佛甲草、土肉桂、杜鵑花、龍柏、倒柏...,也盡是主人的珍藏。這裡的每一花草木,是我們用心汗灌溉,才能換取時間讓它們成長、萌芽、茁壯。女主人Daisy與其女兒Karina相繼考取中西餐與烘焙證照,將自家種植、或者當令之蔬果食材揉進麵團裡。在清境攝氏16度的宜人環境中,我們手做麵包給客人享用。 在珂之幄,您可以找到近似英國Cotswolds鄉村的美麗與自在,是旅人貼心的 「客之窩」。 PS. 山區水源與物資得來不易,歡迎您自備盥洗用品 & 毛巾、浴巾!:) ____ Located at the altitude of 2,000M, The Cotswolds Villa is just 500M away from Cingjing Farm, and 20M from the bus stop. The hosts—Daisy & Asungo, who planned to emigrate their family to Canada in the late 90s, founded the property that resembles the Cotswolds of the UK. The Cotswolds Villa is the first building in Cinjing built to be earthquake resistant (SRC). From the chimney caps handcrafted by the local pottery master, the vintage furniture carved from mahogany, to imported French paintings, Daisy & Asungo carefully decorate the property in and out, and surround the villa with various cypresses, maples, and cherry trees—with a hint of European rusticity. To ensure travelers the homey comfort, Daisy enrolled and has passed the professional training program to be a certified baker. Her daughter, Karina, who was working in semiconductor industry at TSMC, advances further and has got the highest certification as both bread & pastry chefs. Karina, who recently returned from UC San Diego (California, USA), is an outdoor enthusiast. She loves backpacking & hiking, and would love to show their guests what Taiwan’s mountains have got to offer. “Email us your plan and which nearby mountain you want to go. My friend and I can give you an in-depth and unforgettable backpacking experience in Taiwan,” She adds with eyes sparklingly. The mother & daughter together knead local produce and natural ingredients (eg. persimmons, cherry blossoms, roses, beet roots…) into their breads, and served daily in the breakfast buffet. “At 16°C and with mountains in the eyes, we make our breads wholeheartedly, and welcome our guest with utmost sincerity,” Daisy & Karina say proudly. PS. Love our Earth. Our guests are encouraged to bring their own toiletries & towels. :) 更多

交通方式 |
自行開車前往: 無論北上或南下,從中二高(國道三號高速公路)接國道六號至終點下交流道接台14線,沿埔霧公路(台14甲線)往霧社、清境方向10.8K即可到達我們的所在。 搭車前往: 至埔里搭乘南投客運往清境農場(買往松崗的票),經過草原站,於「那魯灣加油站」下車,再往回走30公尺即可到達本山莊。 |
* 以上資訊皆以直線距離計算,非實際路程
服務項目 |
客房設施和服務 |
入住與退房 |
平日入住時間:15:00 以後 退房時間:11:00 以前 假日入住時間:15:00 以後 退房時間:11:00 以前 |
相關說明(注意事項) |
接送說明 |
可依客人需求,委找專業遊覽公司安排接送或包車;車資依照路線與人數而定,需付費。 |
入住說明 |
1.線上付款成功後,可自行列印『住宿券』或憑身份證於飯店/民宿櫃台辦理登記,即可入住。 |